10 Things to Learn From Your Competitors about HR Learning and Development

Similar organizations should always be on the edge when it is about HR learning and development activities. Becoming open to learning is not enough, human resource managers often have to take additional steps to push employees for learning and development. In fact, HR learning and development activities should not only include the starting of every…

5 Keys To Improve Employee Engagement Through Celebrating Milestones

According to  statistics by Dale Carnegie Training, over 70% of all employees are not fully engaged in the workplace, with a quarter being completely and actively disengaged. It’s plain knowledge that companies with engaged employees perform better than companies with disengaged employees (outperforming the latter by up to 200%). But such companies – and engaged employees…

Enabling Learning & Development at your Organization

Every organization talks about learning and development as one of their key focus areas. There are big budgets being talked about, training teams set-up and all the boxes that you can think of ticked, yet learning happens to be one of the most under-worked and deficient area for most organizations. The most important part for…

Importance of Learning and Development in todays work environment

The importance of learning and development is being felt by organizations today more than ever. The learning and development approaches are going through radical changes. The L&D vertical and its participants are waking up to the challenges of virtual office places, shorter attention span than ever before and business’ question on making the gains ‘visible’…

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