Publishing Agreement
Whereas the Publisher (HR Connect Forum) frequently engages with Authors and Experts to generate content in several forms. The Publisher also submits articles to the trade publications from time to time. The published articles are promoted actively using social network as well through ongoing email campaigns; And Whereas the Author or Expert is a person with knowledge, expertise, and experience in the associated fields of the various topics that the Publisher encourages discussion on through its forums, social network, and campaigns; And Whereas the Author or Expert agrees to participate in these forums, social networks and campaigns of the Publisher, through the Author’s/Expert’s own volition and free will;
Now, therefore, for consideration the adequacy of which is agreed to, the parties hereto agree as follows-
The Author or Expert hereby agrees to participate in the discussion, debates, and publications out of free will and volition based on the love of the subject matter and to promote discussion and expression of opinions on these topics.
The Author or Expert hereby expressly grants the Publisher explicit permission to publish, re-publish, reproduce, circulate, disseminate over social media, networks, and public forums and display the writings, content, discussions, debates, opinions, comments, expressions along with any shared images, quotes and other content shared by the Author or Expert (hereinafter “The Works”), throughout the world in print and electronic form, through email campaigns/newsletters, on the website, in printed publication or at trade shows/conventions.
The Publisher shall have and the Author or Expert hereby expressly grants the rights to, the Publisher to make any changes to The Works as appropriate to the requirement, provided always that the Publisher will follow a process of sharing the changes with Author or Expert and take necessary approvals before republishing the content.
The Author or Expert hereby grants and assigns to the Publisher all rights including copyrights to The Works and acknowledges and agrees to perform all such acts may be necessary to grant and assign rights to the Publisher.
The Author or Expert represents and warrants that The Works when used by the Publisher in the manner contemplated hereunder and in conformance with the rights granted hereunder will not, to the best of the Author’s or Expert’s knowledge, violate or conflict with any intellectual property rights of any third persons including, but not limited to, copyrights, patents, trade secrets and trademarks.
The Author or Expert shall indemnify the Publisher and its officers, directors, employees, successors, affiliates and permitted assigns from, and defend and hold them harmless from and against, any damages, penalties, deficiencies, losses, liabilities (including settlements and judgments) and expenses suffered, incurred or sustained by them from the usage of The Works as per rights granted herein.
The parties hereto are independent contractors and this Agreement does not constitute any partnership or joint venture between the parties or create any employer –employee relationship.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and may not be amended except by a writing signed by both parties hereto.