Make Your Recruitment Technology User-Friendly to Improve Candidate Experience

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If you’d ask any other HR manager, they would share at least one experience of candidates dropping out in the middle of the process. While there are so many reasons for that happening, one is the bad technology-related experience. Using technology but in a traditional manner is what spoils the experience of your potential recruits which encourages them to look for opportunities somewhere else.

However, the good news is, you can change this situation through some right methods and tricks. To adopt these methods, you need to treat your employees like customers before and after you initiate the recruitment process. Similar to the customer engagement process, we have to get on board with the idea that improving recruitment experience can help you hire skilled employees.

We have explained 4 strategies that can be utilized to achieve high recruitment experience.

1.  Skip the Pre-Set Email Template

Most recruiters have a habit of sending out pre-set email templates which are often dispatched to every candidate. The problem with this method is that these templates are not customized as per every job role and individual applicant. Unless you are conducting a recruitment drive, you can always find time to personally write an email to the candidate. These simple personal touches in recruitment show that you care. Sending automated emails is so mechanical, hence, not very well received.

2.  Get Creative with Branding

Imagine how would you feel if you clicked on a link to understand the benefits of marketing but instead you were redirected to a page which talks about a new laptop brand.

It is likely that you will leave immediately and never visit this website again.

Similarly, when you redirect your recruits or potential hires to a page with little to no information, you are instantly reducing the chances of hiring them.

So, develop a recruitment page on your website and properly explain a job role to reduce confusion. This will also help you reduce the number of irrelevant applications that you may receive due to confusing job role description.

3.  Utilize Video

Instead of calling every candidate personally and explaining them the job role and process, you can make a pre-recorded video. This is currently in trend because the candidates can watch the video practically anytime and it is intuitive and feasible. So, record a walkthrough of the job, company values, and what you will be expecting from each job role. Of course, you can’t make a different video every time, so record a generalized video to help the candidate get acquainted with the company values, culture, and work environment.

4.  Change Your Method of Asking Questions

When hiring fresh-out-college students, it is natural for HR managers to send a written test first. However, these text-based questions are often boring and have a high dropout rate. Everybody is already bored with college and school exams and having to give an exam for a job seems like an added burden.

Change the process a bit and send in a video for questions. Make an interactive video and ask candidates to watch it and answer the questions asked in the end. This way they can hear the questions and write the answers quickly.


When you work on changing and improving the candidate experience throughout the recruitment process, you increase the chances of hiring talented professionals. So, read the above tips and utilize technology in the right manner to create a candidate-friendly environment throughout the recruitment cycle.


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HR Connect In house Author

HR Connect In house Author

Our inhouse authors have expertise in several areas of HR and Payroll. Their content contributions have been published in leading blogs, websites and print publications.
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