Help your Employees Go That Extra Mile: Improve Productivity

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We all want a dream team.

After reading that, it is likely that you thought of the qualities of your dream team.

For most of the business owners and HR managers, these qualities are all about going that extra mile.

We all know and appreciate those employees who always go that extra mile, overachieve, and do their best to keep the workflow smooth.

How can you motivate all your employees to achieve that extra mile?

Let’s find out.

Exploring the Feelings Associated with This Motivation

A study says motivation comes from the experience employees receive at your organization. This is also the reason why many organizations go that extra mile themselves to serve employees. This motivates its employees to achieve extra. It is a chain reaction and a give-and-take relationship.

  • The sense of belonging.
  • Understanding the worth of your work.
  • Getting recognized for achievement.
  • Having a happy, pleasant environment.
  • The sense of enthusiasm and innovation in the workplace.

How to Create This Experience?

It is not hard to figure out why these experiences matter to the employees. But, it is hard to figure out how to provide these experiences.

For that, we have listed a few tips.

Know Your People

Firstly, get to know the people who work for you in your organization. It is impolite to ask the name of the employee when they enter your office to discuss something. They are a part of your team and HR is supposed to manage these people.

Simply know the people who work in your team during the time period of 9-5. Also, it is not enough to just know the names. Understand their work patterns, personal constraints, and performance metrics.

For instance, employee A is facing family issues because his mom is not well. But, he is an A-performer so he can really complete work early.

Knowing these things allows HR to help employees. In the above case, it should be to allow this employee to leave for home early.

Offer Incentives

When people go beyond their potential to achieve success for your company, offer incentives. According to the incentive scheme that you utilize, provide a fair variable pay or incentive.

If you can’t provide monetary incentives, offer incentives in other ways. For instance, giving a comp-off to your employee after a big project.


Periodically, recognize your employees. This is an essential factor in motivating your employees. When you recognize the efforts of your employees, they are motivated to achieve extra because they know their efforts are being acknowledged. If you never do it or do it yearly, it is not possible to receive too much enthusiasm from employees.

Encourage Honesty

HR managers should especially harbor a culture of honesty. Your employees should be able to come to you and tell you that they are going on a vacation. They should be allowed to take leaves for vacation, leave early when a family member is not alright, and work from home when it can be achieved.

Further, your employees should be comfortable in openly telling you that they are not okay with working on a certain project, with a certain manager, or during odd times.


Motivating your employees to go that mile only means going that extra mile yourself. You have to do that extra yourself to encourage your employees to revert. It is not possible to expect more than 100% performance from your employees when you are offering only 70%.


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HR Connect In house Author

HR Connect In house Author

Our inhouse authors have expertise in several areas of HR and Payroll. Their content contributions have been published in leading blogs, websites and print publications.
HR Connect In house Author

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